Walking with you on your journey.
Beginning therapy is a daunting process! I know how hard it can be, whether you’re ready to address an issue, or circumstances are requiring you to deal with a problem. I want to join you right where you are, to help you make your way through this process successfully. My vision is for you to find the best version of yourself; free of what has been holding you back, and living in whole and healthy relationships with yourself and others.

Strengthening Relationship.
Deepening Connection.
Sometimes it seems that romantic relationships are harder than they should be. It can be confusing to understand why you keep having the same conflicts that cause raw spots and hurts. Why doesn’t anything seem to help? Couples therapy focuses on unraveling the couple's ongoing negative patterns that are getting in the way of successful relating and resolution of relational injuries. This work will change the interactions between partners to create the opportunity for reconciliation, true connection and intimacy.
Why Choose
River Christian Counseling?
Counseling is an important process that happens at an important time in your life! Whether you are working on an individual issue or come for couples counseling, you want to work with someone who is both professional and qualified. You want someone who is going to understand you and respond with empathy and skill. My goal is to be this kind of therapist for you and treat you with compassion and respect. I can offer integration of faith in our work together or use only research based interventions. The choice is yours! Either way you will receive my best efforts and full attention.

Healing what's broken, repairing what doesn't work.
Damage from trauma does not simply go away with the passage of time. Trauma can interfere with successful functioning in life, and impact your most important relationships. Reprocessing what happened with a trained professional is essential in recovering from the lingering effects of trauma.